168-476 AD | IRON - ROMAN EMPIRE |
31 | Estimated Death of Jesus Christ |
34 | Stoning of Stephen end of 490 years for Jews (Dan 9:24). |
67 | Death of Peter and Paul |
105 | Roman Church introduces Holy Water. |
284 | Partition of Roman Empire into east and west. |
311 | Edict of Milan (after Constantine's victory of the Milvian Bridge) Christian Worship henceforth tolerated throughout the empire. |
321 | Constantine's Sunday law on the venerable "day of the sun" stop work except farmers. |
331 | Constantine moves capital from Rome to Byzantium, changed to Constantinople. |
337 | Constantine baptized and claims to be the 13th disciple. |
350 | Council of Laodicea= people forbidden to rest on Saturday. |
381 |
Christianity becomes the Official religion of the Roman Empire under the reign of Theodosius I and other religions declared illegal. |
535 | Edict of Atalaric = pope recognized as head of bishops of entire world. |
538 | Third Council of Orleans, France = 1st religious law to stop labor on Sunday, trying to make it a holy-day. |
493-538 | 3 horns eliminated = Henili, Vandals, Ostrogoths |
538 | 7 horns left: Alamanni = North Switzerland and Germany; Burgundians = Southern Switzerland and Southern France; Franks = France; Lombards = Italy; Visogoths = Spain; Anglo-Saxons = England (Book of Daniel) |
538 | Implementation of Justinian's Law on papal supremacy in Rome |
774 | Forged "donation of Constantine" document "found" giving city of Rome to church. Eventually the church owns 1/3 of all Italy. |
787 | 7th General Council at Nicaea establishes the worship of images |
1054 | Great Schism between west (Roman) church and east (Orthodox) church. Rome excommunicates all of east church |
1096 | Various crusades to recover the Holy Land from Moslem control taken at the request of various popes, last till 1270. |
1215 | Inquisition instituted |
1453 | Invention of printing press |
1492 | Christopher Columbus discovers America. |
1506 |
Rebuilding St Peters to 1597 paid for by indulgences. |
1517 | Luther, German reformer puts up 95 thesis. |
1529-1530 | Lutheran princes protest, called "protestants" at Speyer, Germany. |
1534 | Split between Rome and church of England |
1534 |
Jesuits formed by Ignatius Loyola. |
1543 | Council of Trent: decision made that tradition and scripture are equal on argument of the Sabbath. |
1548 | Council of Trent: decision to include non-canonical books in the Bible to support beliefs of purgatory and the non-immorality of the soul. |
1611 | King James Bible translation. |
1620 | Pilgrims on Mayflower land at Plymouth, Mass. |
1764 |
The British parliament pass the Currency Act. Making it illegal for the colonies to print their own money. |
1775 |
War of independence US-Britain |
1776 |
July 4th: Declaration of Independence approved by Continental Congress |
1780 | Dark day in America, moon as blood. |
1781-1785 | Congress authorizes Robert Morris to open The Bank of North America, designed after the Bank of England (backed by Alexander Hamilton) |
1781 | March 1st thirteen states ratify the Articles of the Confederation (our counties 1st Constitution) |
1783 | Treaty of Paris (ending the revolutionary war) |
1788 | The Constitution becomes the law of the U.S. |
1789 | George Washington becomes the 1st President of the U.S. |
1789 | French Revolution to 1799 |
1791 | The Bill of Rights is ratified |
1791 |
The 1st privately-owned U.S. Central Bank's is charted "Bank of the United States or (BUS). |
1792 |
Jay Treaty of 1792 gave away much of what was gained in the 1783 Peace Treaty. |
1793-1797 |
French reign of terror 1793 to 1797. |
1798 |
Napoleon takes pope Pius VI captive, by General Berthier |
1803 |
Napoleon sales Louisiana Purchase to the 3rd President of the United States, Thomas Jefferson for 3 million dollars. |
1805 - 1814 |
Napoleon made king of Italy & Eugene de Beauharnais as Viceroy |
1810 |
13th Amendment proposed, it would have removed the possibility of lawyers/esquires obtaining office in the U.S. government. |
1811 |
1st privately-owned U.S. Central Bank's charter expires |
1812 |
U.S. & Britain go to war |
1812 |
War took place, Washington documents burned and the debt of the U.S. increased, so the Bank would have to be re-chartered. |
1816 |
2nd privately-owned U.S. Central Bank is started |
1826 |
British and Foreign Bible Society stops printing the Apocrypha in the Bible |
1833 |
Falling of stars. |
1835 |
Assassination attempt on President Andrew Jackson fails by Richard Lawrence |
1835 |
U.S. debt paid off (1st and only time) by President Andrew Jackson |
1836 |
Andrew Jackson vetoed the charter renewal of the 2nd privately-owned U.S. Central Bank |
1840 |
Ottoman empire falls |
1845 |
The Act of 1845 is passed, allowing admiralty law to come on land, granting Congress and the President more power. |
1846 |
The U.S. Treasury created. |
1848 |
Italy declared a Republic. |
1852 |
Pope Pius IX sends marble block to Washington for part of Washington monument but it is thrown into the Potomac river. |
1858 |
The Great Controversy Vision of Ellen White. (7th Day Adventist) |
1861 |
Civil War begins |
1862 |
Congress passed a law establishing the Bureau of Internal Revenue. |
1863 |
National Bank Act |
1865 |
Lincoln assassinated by John Wilkes Booth |
1866 |
Congress passed the Contraction Act, retiring some of Lincoln's greenbacks |
1869 |
One year after the passage of the Fourteenth Amendment, Gould and Fisk cornered the Gold market, known as black Friday. |
1870 |
Pope Pius IX announces dogma of the infallibility of the pope. |
1873 |
Coinage Act ended the minting of silver. |
1881 |
President Garfield assassinated |
1900 |
Congress passed the Gold Standard Act and created a gold reserve of one hundred and fifty billion dollars |
1907 |
J.P. Morgan is authorized to print $200 million from nothing, which he then used to help the economy |
1907 |
A Financial Panic occurs in the U.S. |
1908 |
President Roosevelt passes the National Monetary Commission Bill |
1908 |
Aldrich-Vreeland Bill is shot down by the Senate |
1910 |
Meeting of the nation's leading financiers @ Jekyll Island |
1913 |
The Sixteenth Amendment is passed, and the Federal Reserve Act or Glass-Owen Bill is passed. |
1913-1934 |
Inscriptions on Federal Reserve Notes. = = "redeemable in gold on demand at the united states treasury or in lawful money, at any federal reserve bank." & "will pay to the bearer on demand one dollar." |
1914 |
WWI - 1918 |
1915 |
The Lusitania is sunk |
1917 |
Communism set up in Russia. |
1917 |
British General Allenby liberates Jerusalem from Turkish empire |
1917 |
The War Powers Act is passed |
1920 |
League of Nation created |
1920 |
The independent treasury was created |
1920-1921 |
Agricultural Depression |
1921 |
The United States abolished the U.S. Treasury. allowing the Fed to becoming the U.S.'s fiscal agent. |
1922 | Stalin rise to power in Russia |
1922 | Benito Mussolini rise to power in Italy |
1928-1932 |
Five years of the Geneva conventions. |
1929 |
Benito Mussolini gives pope full authority over state of Vatican + 108 acres. Pope now monarch as well as priest, fulfillment of Rev 13:3. |
1929-1933 |
The Federal Reserve contracted the amount of currency in circulation by one-third. |
1929 |
U.S. Stock Market crash |
1930 |
Bank of International Settlements (BIS) opens in Switzerland |
1933 |
Adolph Hitler rise to power |
1933 |
America accepts fiat money, via the Federal Reserve (Notes). |
1933 |
Americans could no longer legally own and trade gold |
1933 |
House Joint Resolution 192 was passed to suspend the gold standard and abrogate the gold clause in the national constitution. |
1933 |
1933 the U.S. declared bankruptcy, as expressed in Roosevelt's Executive Orders 6073, 6102, 6111, and 6260, House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5, 1933 confirmed in Perry v. U.S. (1935) 294 U.S. 330-381, 79 LEd 912, as well as 31 United States Code (USC) 5112, 5119 and 12 USC 95a. |
1934 |
U.S. citizens become co- sureties of the debt as defined by the Federal Insurance Contribution Act |
1934-1968 |
Inscriptions on Federal Reserve Notes. = = "this note is legal tender for all debts public and private and is redeemable in lawful money at the united states treasury, or any federal reserve bank." & "will pay to the bearer on demand one dollar." |
1936 |
Spain Civil war begins |
1937 |
Japan invades China |
1937 |
Ft. Knox opens for Business |
1938 |
WWII - 1945 |
1938 |
Supreme Court decision of Erie R.R. v. Thompkins, 304 U.S. 64 (1938) (no cases are allowed to be cited that are prior to 1939.) |
1941 |
U.S. enters WWII after bombing of Perl Harbor by Japan |
1944 |
U.S. approved its full participation in the IMF and the World Bank. |
1944 |
IMF & World Bank opens in Washington D.C. |
1945 |
Ratification of the U.N. Charter. |
1945 |
The second League of Nations was approved under the new name 'The United Nations'. |
1948 |
Israel re-established as a nation |
1951 |
Harry Truman tries to nominate ambassador to Vatican but public protest causes this to be withdrawn. |
1953 |
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) was created and established. Reorganizing & renaming the Bureau of Internal Revenue. |
1963 |
Kennedy issued Executive order #11.110 it called for the issuance of a new currency (United States Note) & (reducing the FEDs power to loan money to the U.S. at interest) |
1963 |
President Kennedy is assassinated by Lee H. Oswald |
1963 |
Washington D.C. adopted the Uniform Commercial Code, six weeks after Kennedy was assassinated. |
1964 |
House Committee on Banking & Currency, Subcommittee on Democratic Finance - issues Money Facts, explaining the FED. |
1968-1995 |
Inscriptions on Federal Reserve Notes. = = "this note is legal tender for all debts, public and private" |
1969 |
IMF begins issuing SDRs. (Special Drawing Rights) |
1970 |
Americans could again legally own and trade gold |
1982 |
Lewis Vs U.S. (federal reporter, 2nd series, vol. 680, pages 1239,1241) explains the privet Federal Reserve System |
1982 |
President Reagan's Gold Commission states that all the Gold in Ft. Knox was sold to the Federal Reserve Bank. |